Apprenticeships and Vacancies

We will do our best to keep this page as up to date as possible. Check back to keep an eye on new vacancies and opportunities.

Local Apprenticeship Vacancies.

Click here to view local apprenticeship vacancies on the National Apprenticeship website or here for the latest vacancies when they are released

General Apprenticeship Opportunities

IBM have opened their school leaver opportunities for Post 16 & 18.

Volunteering Opportunities

British Heart Foundation - Kingswood Furniture Store.

Students ages 16+ are invited to apply to volunteer! This is a great opportunity with training and flexible weekend hours.

Students can volunteer in a variety of roles in the Furniture & Electrical shop. Please see here for a list of positions available. Volunteers are needed for flexible shifts in a range of roles out the back in the warehouse for those who are more hands on, out the front for those wanting Administration/ Customer Service and Retail experience, as well as helping with online sales and selling on Ebay.

They are an accredited Duke of Edinburgh provider, and would love to host students for their Volunteering section of the award. Students under 16 can get involved with Fundraising opportunities outside of the shops and can find more information here:

Any students who are interested can either contact Ms Murray at for further information or phone the shop direct as a first step:

Kingswood British Heart Foundation Furniture & Electrical shop, 52-54 Regent Street, Kingswood, BS15 8LE – 01179 605663 (ask for Devon or Kathy the Managers)